Chongqing VS hub

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Chongqing VS hubei, whose future automobile industry technology is stronger?

After decades of development, chongqing automobile industry has formed chongqing changan, changan ford, gm wuling, lifan automobile, baic yinxiang, qingling automobile, dongfeng well-off and other brands. According to the data from 2013 to 2016, the proportion of automobile manufacturing in chongqing's total industrial output value increased from 18% to 20%, maintaining the leading position in chongqing's industrial economy. In 2016, chongqing also produced 3.1562 million cars, making it the only city in China with a production of more than 3 million cars.

First of all, despite the large production volume, the single car price of chongqing automobile industry is not high, and it needs to make efforts in high-end automobile brands. Secondly, the development of components lags behind the whole vehicle, and the key technology needs to be broken through. The manufacturing capacity of chongqing automobile industry also needs to be improved, and the equipment level needs to be further improved. Standing vice mayor of chongqing municipal committee, municipal government Mr Cun-rong wu delivered a speech on the BBS, he said the chongqing municipal government will actively adapt to market changes, speed up efforts to push the car industry in the direction of intelligent, green transformation, efforts to create an important new energy automotive industry base in China, and the international advanced intelligent snatched automobile industry cluster. Autonomous driving projects and new energy vehicle projects have been continuously located in chongqing, which is undergoing transformation and upgrading along the direction of 'the new four modernizations' such as electrification, intellectualization, networking and sharing.

Hubei province is the birthplace of the republic of China the second automobile group, after years of development, line is in wuhan as the center of the passenger car production research and development base, shiyan, suizhou, xiangyang for belt of commercial vehicle production base, gathered brands include: dongfeng passenger cars, dongfeng commercial vehicle, psa Peugeot Citroen, dongfeng Honda, dongfeng nissan, dongfeng Renault, dongfeng infiniti, saic gm, byd, nanjing jinlong, changfeng liebao, geely and other parts as well as more than three thousand production research and development. Wuhan is one of the six largest automobile industrial cluster development cities in China. In 2017, it produced 1.89 million passenger vehicles, with an output value of 360 billion yuan. In recent years, relying on its automobile industry foundation and advantages, hubei has promoted the innovative development of new energy and intelligent automobile industry, and built two new energy industry bases and demonstration operation zones for automobiles in wuhan and xiangyang. The development of new energy vehicles is shifting and speeding up, the pace of industrial development is accelerating, and the construction of national demonstration zone of intelligent network automobile is beginning to take shape. In January 2018, hubei xinghui new energy intelligent automobile industrial park and autonomous driving demonstration zone, with a total investment of 20.2 billion yuan, laid the foundation for huanggang industrial park. In July 2018, wuhan will establish the national quality supervision and inspection center for new energy vehicles, which will fill the gap in third-party testing of new energy vehicles in China... Such news abounds.

In hubei province is located in central China, wuhan is known as the nine qu trading, is located in the Yangtze river economic belt gold position, other: Yangtze river delta auto industry base, west chongqing, sichuan and other places, wuhan university, wuhan university of science and technology, huazhong university of science and technology, hubei college of automotive engineering, many universities and research institutes, technology and talent advantages are outstanding, in the aspect of industrial upgrading has the unique geographical and talent advantages, chongqing is the only municipality directly under the central government in the west and enjoy more industry and policy advantage.

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