China strives

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China strives to improve the charging capacity of new energy vehicles in three years

10, national development and reform commission, said China will strive to use three years to boost charging technology, improve product quality of charging infrastructure, to improve the charging standard system and comprehensive optimization of charging infrastructure layout, significantly enhance the capacity of the charging network connectivity, rapid upgrade charging operation service quality, further optimize the environment of the charging infrastructure development and industrial structure.

China will strengthen research on charging technology and development of charging facilities to meet the charging needs of new energy vehicles in different scenarios, according to the action plan on improving the charging guarantee capacity of new energy vehicles formulated by the national development and reform commission, the national energy administration, the ministry of industry and information technology and the ministry of finance. Improve the operating efficiency of charging facilities and actively activate 'zombie piles'; In a timely manner, a special plan for the construction of charging facilities has been formulated, and every effort has been made to solve the construction problems of charging piles in old residential areas and public charging facilities in urban centers. Further clarify and refine the land use policy of charging infrastructure; Take charging facilities and electricity access as an overall consideration in developing new energy vehicle infrastructure and supporting facilities; Accelerate the construction and improvement of charging infrastructure information connectivity network; We will promote coordination and unification between new energy vehicles and charging facilities industry standards, and actively carry out international standardization of charging facilities for electric vehicles.

The action plan points out that China's new energy vehicles are in a critical period of market development. In recent years, China's charging infrastructure has developed rapidly, and the number of charging piles has exceeded 600,000. However, new-energy vehicles and charging facilities are still in the process of development. In particular, charging infrastructure is still faced with problems of difficult construction and low operating efficiency, which is still one of the shortcomings restricting the development of new-energy vehicles.

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